Top 10k strings from HiSoft BASIC v1.0 (1986)(HiSoft)[f Zeljko Juric].tap
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 start=23792 1 remove the -58,+58 for the microdrive version 1 loc,sbytes: 1 hbc2 1 hbc1 M 1 c are two different names!" 1 bytes=12198 1 _2`I`r`~`\` 1 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 1 Too many variable 1 That's all there i 1 SAVE "m/c"CODE 1 OKAY TO DELETE BASIC? (Y/N 1 Not supporte 1 Not enough room for m/ 1 No more workspac 1 No file spac 1 LOAD "m/c"CODE 1 Invalid compiler directiv 1 HiBasic + q 1 HISOFT BASIC 1 HB ReadMe 1 Expecting an intege 1 Expecting a numbe 1 Exec address too hig 1 DO NOT TES 1 Bad referenc 1 2@E>a2;E2<E 1 2/E2.E2-E:8E 1 2!E2#E2"E2(E 1 1986 Cameron Hayne 1 *l\^#V#"l\ 1 (BASIC WAS 1 ''" Improved and bugfixed by Juric Zeljko, 1996" 1 '"THINGS TO DO:"'' 1 '"- One estethic thing: cursor is not shown after error message" 1 '"- One bug is not fixed yet: compiler do not ignore control codes into (and immidiately after) variable names, so abc and a 1 '"- Now, it is not needed that line n in GO TO n etc. exists (no more error ""Non-existent line"")" 1 '"- Now, compiler can compile something like PRINT VAL a$, but if a$ contains variable names, they will be taken from BASIC, not from compiled code." 1 '"- Implement stack management: now RETURN or even STOP in compiled code will not cause exiting to BASIC if GO SUB stack is not empty; also program:" 1 '"- Hard break is now suspended during about one second" 1 '"- Fixed bug with colors (so, now PAPER 5: PLOT 10,10 works correctly)" 1 '"- Fixed bug with color codes into strings" 1 '"- Fixed bug which cause wrong position of the error pointer after compile error" 1 '"- Fixed bug into SGN function" 1 '"- Fixed bug in AND and OR operators" 1 '"- FOR and NEXT loops are now more robust: FOR without NEXT in integer mode will not cause crash; any improper loop nesting will produce compile error ""Bad reference""" 1 '"- Compiler now support RUN and RUN n with meaning RESTORE: CLS: GO TO n" 1 '"- Compiler does not compile correctly statements like PRINT AT -1,-1 etc. yet (in fact, it means PRINT AT 1,1 but compiler don't know it)" 1 '"- Command *R now clears screen" 1 '"- Command *R after *X will not cause crash now" 1 '" 10 GO SUB 20"'" 20 PRINT 1"''" will print 1 twice, due to non-balanced stack" 1 "IMPROVEMENTS:"'' 1 "HiBasic +" 1 "- Implement CLEAR and GO SUB stack clearing on RUN command in compiled code" 1 "- Fixed bug which sometimes prevents expressions as array subscripts" 1 " HiSoft BASIC version 1.0 Copyright 1 BYTES FOR M/C VARIABLES 1 1986 Cameron Hayne" 1 1986 Cameron Hayne 1 HISOFT BASIC